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Saturday, May 21, 2011

Well worth the trip

Today was the much anticipated Guildford Ward Reunion - it was absolutely delightful - it never ceases to amaze me that you can get together with people you haven't seen for 20+ years and chat like you just saw them yesterday.  I am still chuckling from some of the conversations we had; I took almost 200 photo's and it was very hard to pick just a few for the blog - but these are the ones that I chose:

Hugs from long lost friends - this happened a lot tonight, and you can see the pure joy in renewing old friendships

It was very cool to see some of the "girls" that were in the youth group back in the 70's and 80's... Glenda; Sharon; Sue; Suzi; Irene; Sarah - and the younger girls like Claire; Fiona, Kim and Jill - there seemed to be  a lot of talk of wrinkles, grey hair and aging - and while our hair maybe just a clever match to it's former glory, and possibly we're holding on to each other more for stability than for fun - nonetheless I think we've all battled the aging clock pretty well least I think that until I see the next generation - were we ever this young?

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