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Saturday, November 5, 2011

Separation anxiety

Nexen kindly provides me with a daily separation payment, to compensate me for the hardship of being away from home.  Today was the first time I've really had time to even think about being away, and I managed to find a good way to spend my afternoon.  Note to self - don't go into Nordstrom and tell them you need retail therapy ...within moments they assigned me a personal shopper, Britney - who helped me deal with my separation anxiety; she over-achieved, I intended to buy 2 pairs of trousers and two tops, and I came away with so much more!!  Britney looks a little guilty in this photo - that's understated - she was VERY guilty!!  I hope she's on commission - she was actually very helpful.

After the stress of shopping at Nordstrom, I met up with Margaret Anderson (my neighbour from Calgary who is living in Richardson) - and we went for a lovely walk around a park close to her home...this is one of the waterfall things along the brook - quite delightful!

...and finally, I crossed one more thing off the bucket list tonight.  I was sitting in my hotel room, just minding my own business, when I actually felt an earthquake!  The bed moved, the curtains swayed, it was really quite exciting.  The earthquake was in Oklahoma and was a 5.5 magnitude....and I felt it!  Awesome!!

1 comment:

  1. We want to see what you got! :-) Sounds like fun. BTW, Quade just said, "I miss when Sis. Johnson was our seminary teacher". I missed you leading the music today. Anyway, have fun in Texas!
