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Monday, November 7, 2011

Another bucket list item

...I didn't even know this was on my bucket list, but let me just tell you...there is NO better way to travel than by private jet.  I rolled onto the airfield 10 minutes before take-off, and had a few moments to chat before boarding; we boarded and took off within checked my ID; there was no security and I could take as much water on board as I cared to....the door to the cockpit stayed open (or maybe there wasn't a door) - it saved TONS of time.

We got a whole day of meetings in, and then got the plane right back; and as an added bonus, there was a beautiful stormy sunset on the way home.  This was an amazing experience - I never want to travel commercial again!  I am such a snob :)


  1. Gerald gets to do that occasionally, too. Pretty nice! :-)

  2. it is pretty nice, Jeanette! The best thing is driving right up to the plane...delightful!
