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Friday, January 14, 2011

Remind me why I moved to Calgary

It was jolly chilly today, -24C, I know that may not seem really cold (if you're a Calgarian), but the windchill took it to the mid -30's.  It had snowed a bit, so I went out to shovel the driveway.  I went out at the same time as our neighbour with the snowblower....he was finished in about 0.3 seconds and I had to do mine in shifts cos my hands were hurting with the cold. It probably only took 30 mins, but it seemed like over an hour

I had to get it done before Arlan came home because his winter coat is warmer than mine....I'm pretty sure he doesn't like me wearing it, so I had to finish before he came home....the heart can't grieve over what the eye doesn't see, as my mum used to say.  I am about 99.99999999% sure that Arlan will never read this blog, so I think my evidence is safe with you.....

...ok, so I don't look great, but heck - who cares at that temperature!!
While I was out, I took the car for a spin to warm it up.  We're parking the cars on the driveway at the moment because the guy working on our basement is using the garage for a workshop.  So I was darned if I was going to brush the snow off the car only to have to shovel it off the drive afterwards - so i backed out blind and then hit the windscreen wipers so that I could see and took the car to Walmart and donated my snow to them....very generous of me.

Is it nearly Spring?

1 comment:

  1. Brrr... that's flippin' cold!! Sooner you than me!! I rather think a snow-blower would be a good investment!!! x
