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Friday, December 23, 2011

18 years old

When did that happen?  It just seems like yesterday that Josh was a tubby little toddler, and now he is a 6'4" skinny 18 year old.

I took Lauren shopping this morning, we stocked up on all the food for the family Christmas eve get -together at Emma's.  It was actually quite fun and not too too busy.

Then we went to the local pub for lunch with Josh for his 18th birthday - pubs are actually quite nice now that there is no smoking inside; the food is always good, and 18 is the legal drinking age in England, so Josh had his first legal drink in public.

He was then planning to go out with friends drinking this evening.  I must admit that I really don't get why kids in England go out just to get drunk, I don't think they even always enjoy the drinking, it's purely a social thing, and yet so anti-social at the same time.  Weird.

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