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Monday, June 13, 2011

Oldies and goldies

Do you ever have one of those days when you're on a diet and you feel like you have totally mastered the feeling of taking control over bad eating habits?  Well today was NOT one of those days :)

That said, I feel like I'm turning the corner at work...for the first time in 2 months I feel like I'm beginning to get on top of stuff.  It's a good feeling - and it's taken too long.

I left work a little early this afternoon so that I could get home in time for "Empty Nesters" - we were hosting this evening, and we had the middle-agers around for a pot luck (pot lucks are never good for diets - there was some lovely food but I guess tomorrow is another day!)

I've kind of resisted joining the empty nesters group - but I must confess I really enjoy hanging out with this group!  Here they are..

From the top and L-R..Susi Basi; Sis Walsh; Nick Basi; Barb and Randy Anderson; Sandy and Bryce Walton; Heather; Dale Nelson; Bonnie Williams; Arlan; Dad; Cheryl Cody; Sandy Nelson; ME; Elaine and Ash Whitehead.

This was a camera first - the first time I've used the delayed shot thing, so I set the camera up and ran into the group before it took.  Boyce was at home but downstairs watching Vancouver get trounced by the Boston Bruins 5-2 in game 6 of the Stanley Cup finals.

Finally - I was getting ready for bed when Helen came over to let me know there was a lovely sunset behind the was gorgeous - this doesn't do it justice:

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