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Sunday, August 12, 2012

I'm Baaaaaccccckkkkk!

OK - so it has been WAY too long since I last blogged,  I have lots of photo's to upload over the last few months, but I know I haven't taken one every day - but so much has happened and is happening that I really shouldn't miss any more's back to the daily photo and the daily blog!

Soooo.  Since I last blogged, I have moved back to Calgary, moved into my dream home, become single again and now I have family visiting from England (Paul, Lauren and Fo).

But one day at a time.  Today was a lovely relaxing day; we watched the mens final basketball at the London Olympics, in the faint hope that we would see Georgia who was working at the match.  We didn't see her, but we know she was there!  Then I went to Church and we all went over to Lisette's for dinner.  I guess it's been a long time since I did that because all the kids are now grown up and the babies are now kids.

Today was the closing ceremonies of the Olympics - so we went to Canada Olympic Park to see the Olympic Flag flying before they take it down

It has been an amazing Olympics,  I wish I had been there.  I can't remember what I used to do in my spare time before they started - but I do know that I have spent all my spare time watching Olympic events!  Team GB were amazing...29 Gold medals; our previous record was 19 (in Beijing)...if you exclude 1900 - which really doesn't count :)

Oh it's good to be blogging again :)

1 comment:

  1. I'm glad that you are back to blogging! I have missed your postings.
