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Monday, December 31, 2012

The end of an interesting year...

Well - it's been an incredible year!  I spent the first few months living in and loving Dallas - then moved back to Calgary, moved into my dream home, got a divorce, had family to visit for the summer, got a promotion at work, travelled to Houston, Galveston, London, New York, Washington, Jasper...and probably a few other places.  Finally bought a BMW, watched the temple being finished, had Sister missionaries live with me during the Open House, helped out as much as I could to prepare for the Open House, went to the dedication and attended every week since it opened in October.  Went home to England for Christmas,  But most importantly - I'm very happy :)

BUT - with all of that - I'm disappointed that I didn't do the daily photo blog this year...but I am motivated to get back on track for 2013!

It's been an awesome year!

1 comment:

  1. You are fabulous Jeni! So glad you are blogging again!
